Grape Seed Extract

We are harvesting grapes right now and started wondering if we could  make our own grape seed extract. Finally hit on something that was easy. We washed the grapes,  threw them in my vita mix blender. It juiced it, we poured this thru a strainer and let it drip out Put the juice into peanut butter  jars and froze it for future use. The rest (seeds and skins) went into the dehydrator on parchment paper to dry. The dried product was ground into powder and I am taking a half teaspoon a day. Somehow…I think it is making a difference  in how I feel. Actually  woke without pain 2 days in a row.  Just thought it might be helpful for anyone else harvesting grapes right now.    My fall fava did not come up…so 5 lb of beans  were lost. Hopefully , there is enough tincture and bean pod powdered  to get me thru til the spring crop.     May God  Bless you  my brothers  and sisters with PD.
Love ,  Aunt Bean

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